  • PLUS Florence
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    Plus Florence

  • How much is the tourist tax?

    Tourist tax is € 4.00 per person per night. However, there are some exemptions which are listed below: 
    A) Children until the 12 years of age;
    B) Anyone assisting patients hospitalised in the area, including one-day admissions, up to a maximum of two people per patient. It will be required to provide the appropriate documentation along with personal details of the people accompanying the patients as well as the referenced period of the hospitalisation or health treatments;
    C) Patients who are getting medical hospital care in a regimen of Day-hospital (self-certification the referenced period of the hospitalisation or health treatments); 
    D) Students from the University of Florence who must bring a certificate of enrolment for the current academic year (or self-certification), a Student Card or university booklet;
    E) Law enforcement officers, National Fire Corps or Civil Protection workers who are staying at local accommodations in the municipality in the line of duty only for the duration of their service;
    F) Severely disabled people in possession of a valid certificate “CERTIFICATO (in Italian) under the Article 3 subparagraph 3 of the law n. 104/92”. Foreigner citizens should provide a certification valid in their own country.

    50% reduction of the Tourist Tax:

    • School groups from middle and high schools during educational visits (also foreigners) on showing a declaration from the school manager (e. g list of names of students and teachers attending the tour specifying they are on an educational trip); 
    • Athletes under the age of 16 years, sporting groups, participants in tournaments and other activities organised by local councils. In this case a statement from the relevant sports federation will be required.

  • Nezletilí starší 12 let mohou v zařízení pobývat pouze v doprovodu dospělé osoby. Pokud dospělý není rodič, je vyžadována podepsaná plná moc od rodiče spolu s kopií jeho průkazu totožnosti. Osoby mladší 12 let se nemohou ubytovat ve společném pokoji, a to ani v doprovodu dospělé osoby.

  • Plus Prague

  • PLUS Florence
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